Happiness is making the most out of any situation life throws at you.
I have been struggling with the concept of happiness. What does it mean to be truly happy? Is it smiling and laughing whenever the mood strikes. Is it constantly doing what you want around the people you choose? Is it making the best of every situation? Is it something you must earn? Why does it feel like it runs out?
I think happiness depends, in part, your perspective on the situations thrown your way. In my experience, when I have a positive attitude,I have a better chance of feeling truly happy.
Sometimes I get trapped in the mind set and coinciding actions of pursuing my dreams, that I forget to enjoy and experience and the happiness of the present day. I have realized that in order to truly feel the happiness today brings, I must first step back to gain perspective on my life. Then I must allow myself to experience those happy moments and relish them today.
Happiness is always there, sometimes you just have to make the choice to reach out, grasp it, and relish it. I read a saying that goes something along the lines of fill your cup with joys, and let it spill over to sustain your happiness.
Ask God through prayer to help guide you into finding more happiness anywhere and everywhere. God may not answer immediately or clearly to you, however the answer will become obvious in one way or another eventually. Have patience. Allow God to guide you and let happiness surprise you.