Dreams-They give us hope. They guide us. They are full of passion. They are tangled with accomplishments as well as failures.
But also, they are a struggle. They can seem like a fantasy. They encompass self-doubt.
Ability to dream?
Dreams to some people seem like a fantasy, nothing near to their possible reality. They feel as if they don’t have the ability to dream. EVERYBODY HAS THE ABILITY TO DREAM. Dreaming and wishing for something and thinking that it can never happen is a struggle that many people experience. EVERYBODY HAS THE ABILITY TO CHASE THEIR DREAMS AND ACHIEVE THEM!
What is the point of Ability To Dream? You may ask.
You see I was born with a disability called Right Hemiparesis. The right side of my body does not receive signals from my brain. I am lucky to still be able to walk, but my right arm is pretty much useless to me. I am mentioning this because at one point in my life I got so weighed down by my insecurities that people would see me with my disability and judge me. I would completely shut people out because I didn’t want to be different.
All my dreams were like a fantasy that I felt like I couldn’t even peruse due to my disability. Until I realized that I HAVE THE ABILITY TO DREAM AND CHASE MY DREAMS. By making that realization, I HAVE THE ABILITY TO DREAM, I was able to impact my life for the better. I accepted that I am different and that is ok. Now, I am not afraid to talk about my disability. I still have insecurities, but I have learned not to let them take over my thoughts and actions.
I believe that by knowing that you have the ABILITY TO DREAM it can lead you down the path that is right for you… TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS!
Why is this called Ability To Dream?
In this blog I will write about many things, but I believe that they are all linked to your ability to dream. I created this blog in hopes to inspire you, to give you hope and advise.
Recognizing the ability to dream is just the first step!
The Ability to Dream Opens Up the Ability To Do Many Things
Be yourself
Open to changes
Don’t give up
Reach your goals
Encourage others
Make a difference